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  1. We have so many toys in our house. There are what the kids call "my toys" which are all hidden away in boxes. And of course the toys which fill their bedrooms too. Every year we have a bit of clear out, normally September time to make way for the obvious Christmas influx.

    I find too many toys also has a negative impact on how they play - they can't find the toys they want to play with and there is just too much to look at that they cannot focus on a theme or game to play with and end up loding interest. 

    Here are some top tips I am adopting to try and reduce the number of toys we have and enable them to explore their toys more easily: 

  2. School is out for summer! It's the end of my son's first year at school and he has been looking forward to the holidays. We have figured out the childcare and booked a holiday, but now comes the task of finding things to do for 6 weeks with the kids. If you are anything like me, you don't want to break the bank but you need to keep them entertained to keep everyone sane and have loads of fun. Here are my ideas for things to do with the kids in the summer holidays.

    I have my fingers crossed for this lovely weather to continue so I have started with the outdoor activities, but also included plenty of at home ideas too.